Friday 4 April 2008

Growing Old Disgracefully


The social implications of wearing visible body modifications are immediate to the wearer: such problems as lack of employers who allow ‘mods’ and hassle from those who dislike the modifications.
Eyebrow piercings, ear piercings and lip piercings are all common modifications, commonly worn in western culture. Yet ear piercings are largely the only piercings allowed in such places as the work place and schools. Could this possibly be due to safety precautions?
But why then are ear piercings ‘accepted?’
Conversely, controversial body ‘mods’ as hooks and bolts beneath the skin are collectively held by the view that the wearer is drug addicted, an alcoholic, prone to criminal acts, stroppy, uneducated, and unsociable. The immediate stereotype is perceptibly a disadvantage of acquiring body ‘mods.’

The following link: shows numerous types of rare body modifications, which more than likely attract such prejudices, whether wanted or not.

When an individual ‘enhances’ their body do they enjoy the attention?When contemplating a visible piercing, implant, tattoo or any other body modification one must assume the prejudices of the society.

In my personal opinion body modifications can be an act of rebelling, although I have two tattoos’, both of which are symbolic to sentimental moments. Whilst designing my tattoo’s I chose to have them hidden, so as to be exempt from the prejudice of those who dislike them or the prospect of tattoos.

‘Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment’ (John 7:24).


redtoecap said...

Body piercing, like tattooing, has become appealing to some teens. Pierced eyebrows, belly buttons, lips, tongues, noses — and multiple earrings — have become common.

Some people think a lot of piercings make you look ugly — even repulsive. Others say body piercing can give you serious diseases, some of which may not show up for years. Others say there are no dangers
Is body piercing dangerous?
Sometimes bad infections, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis, can be spread by body piercing. Other problems may include bleeding, swelling, scarring, and reactions to the jewelry. Tooth chipping and gum damage can happen in people with tongue and lip piercings. Jewelry in the mouth or nose can be swallowed accidentally.
All this said my opinion would lean to if you want body piercing then do your home work first. also be mindful that if you are job hunting or going for that vital interview you may have a string of qualifications but if the interviewer is not happy with your appearence then you will not get the job.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting piece. Perhaps it is not those who "enhance" themselves who are uneducated but the ones who forced judgment on the enhanced ones who are?

People who do judge by appearance are often old fashioned, ignorant, arrogant and have a rigid mind set which does not allow them to see the world more openly.

Jealousy is also a factor, the judging ones may wish to be brave enough to look different but fear being judged themselves. They may wish to be more "free" but fear the repurcutions.

Toni said...

I agree with you I also have tattos which I have gotten to remind me of experiences in my life. Body modification can be taken to extremes by people but is it because tattos are not shocking anymore and people are looking for a new way to shock and be outside of the norm.

body piercing jewery said...

I was very shocked to hear that news!